訂閱 我們的計劃 以便在您的服務中使用此 API,幫助滿足合規要求並保護用戶資產。
注意:如果您查詢的地址在指定的區塊鏈上沒有標籤,API 將返回該地址在兼容鏈上的標籤信息。
例如,如果您請求以太坊鏈上地址 "0xae4a7cde7c99fb98b0d5fa414aa40f0300531f43" 的標籤信息,而我們在以太坊上沒有該地址的標籤信息,API 將檢查 EVM 兼容鏈上的標籤信息。如果該地址在任何兼容鏈上存在標籤信息,API 將返回所有兼容鏈上的地址標籤。
注意:此操作將被視為一次單一的 API 呼叫,您不會因為返回多個兼容鏈的信息而被扣除多次點數。
您可以注意到響應結構中包含一個額外的 compatible_chains
A successful request
Unique identifier for the chain. In accordance with the chain IDs listed in the 'Supported Networks' section.
The short name of the chain. In accordance with the short names listed in the 'Supported Networks' section.
The name of the entity you want to query. Querying is only supported for entities returned by the labels API, and it is case-insensitive.
A successful request
Entity names
List all categories to which the entity can be categorized. The structure of each category is as follows.
Category string
Category code
A list of attributes associated with the entity. The structure of each attribute is as follows.
Attribute string
Attribute code
A supplementary description for the assigned attribute to this entity.
Chain ID. Please refer to the 'Supported Networks' section for specific IDs.
The specific address you want to query. EVM addresses are case-insensitive, while non-EVM addresses are case-sensitive.
A successful request
The queried address.
The primary entity associated with the address.
Complementary entities associated with the address.
A list of attributes associated with the address. The structure of each attribute is as follows.
Attribute string
Attribute code
A supplementary description for the assigned attribute to this address.
The name tag
Chain ID. Please refer to the 'Supported Networks' section for specific IDs.
A list of specific addresses you want to query. A maximum of 100 addresses can be included in a single request. EVM addresses are case-insensitive, while non-EVM addresses are case-sensitive.
A successful request
The queried address.
The primary entity associated with the address.
Complementary entities associated with the address.
A list of attributes associated with the address. The structure of each attribute is as follows.
Attribute string
Attribute code
A supplementary description for the assigned attribute to this address.
The name tag