Compliance API

The Compliance API allows users to retrieve the compliance risk associated with an address. In case of a high compliance risk, we provide detailed insights into the contributing factors for that risk.

How is compliance risk assessed?

When conducting compliance assessments for an address, we consider various elements, including its type, attributes, associated entities, and on-chain interactions. The address type primarily distinguishes between an EOA (Externally Owned Account) and a CA (Contract Account). The concepts of attributes and entities are explored in detail in this document. On-chain interactions refer to the specific blockchain transactions in which this address has participated.

Among the information involved in the assessment, certain factors influence the assessment strategy, while others serve as critical risk indicators that significantly affect the assessment results. The following are the leading risk indicators used in our methodology, which can also be obtained through the Get Risk Indicators API requests to stay informed about any changes in risk indicators.

Interpreting the risk score

Based on the risk assessment algorithm mentioned earlier, we classify an address's compliance risk into five levels, represented by scores ranging from 1 to 5. A higher score indicates a higher compliance risk associated with that address.

For addresses with a score of 4 or higher, it is advisable to refrain from interacting with them. For addresses with a score of 3, it is recommended to carefully consider the accompanying indicators to determine whether it is appropriate to engage with them.

Individual risk vs. Interaction risk

Based on how we identify risks, we categorize them into Individual and interaction risks. Individual risk primarily stems from the attributes and behavior of the address itself, while interaction risk arises from the address's involvement in risky on-chain transactions.

By default, we consider Individual and interaction risks to provide the final result. However, due to the temporary lack of support for interaction risk in some networks (refer to the Supported Networks section) and the longer calculation time required for interaction risk, we offer the option to specify whether to include the calculation of interaction risk when requesting compliance risk for an address.

Supported networks

What does 'Support for interaction risk' mean?

When evaluating risks, we distinguish between Individual and Interaction risks based on their origins. It is worth noting that calculating interaction risk may require additional resources that may not be readily available in specific networks. If a network supports Interaction risk, querying an address on that blockchain will yield a more thorough evaluation result.


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Last updated